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Quranic Parenting
Raising Godly Families
Are you a parent who worries for your children? Do you feel a heavy responsibility towards them? Are you a father carrying inner pain? Are you a mother burdened with guilt? Then this course is for you!

Are you recently married? Do you fear marriage because of the duties of parenthood? Will you be a parent soon? Then this course is for you!

Are you a researcher studying the science of raising children successfully? Are you studying child development? Then this course is for you!

Come explore the Quranic view and prophetic guidelines for raising children properly. Gain knowledge of best practices and learn about the tools available to you - all rooted in Quranic wisdom and confirmed by our experiences.

Topics include:
  • Introduction to tarbiya (raising) and tazkiya (purification)
  • The living formula: prioritize avoiding harm over attaining benefits
  • The ways of Quranic raising
  • Godly kids and godly families
  • What to do and what not to do
  • Measuring effectiveness
  • Truth versus wisdom
  • Tools and examples
About Course Instructors

Shaykh Abu Nahla has been teaching for 33 years in the field of Dawah and Tarbiya. He studied Islamic Shariah in Palestine and the Sciences of Tasawwuf in both Palestine and Egypt. He obtained several Ijazahs from his well-respected teachers and has become a leading expert in his field. He has also become known for conducting unique Quranic Tarbiya intensives.

Tarbiya touches upon all sciences, including but not limited to Quran, hadith, tasawwuf, and fiqh. While many have never tasted the fruit of tarbiyya because of fear or misconceptions around tassawwuf and Sufism, Shaykh Abu Nahla manages to deliver the best of the fruit in his intensives: the fruit that is aligned with the Quran and Sunnah and bound by Shariah.

He appreciates the truth and studies all facets of the deen to gain a better understanding and obtain the most comprehensive view of Allah's religion.. Shaykh Abu Nahla's main concerns are the revival of lost Quranic concepts, the true understanding of Islam, as well as Tarbiya and the sciences of application. He is trying his best to improve the condition of the Ummah by serving the revival of true Islamic concepts.